This web-site was created in the hopes that more teachers, parents and students with disabilities will be able to have easy access to information regarding the accommodations that students with disabilities need and are entitled to when taking standardized tests.
The material on this web-site has been compiled by:
Joan Mathews, Denise Velsor, Susan Ward Davis, and Lauren
All four are graduate students at the University
of North Florida working on Master's Degrees in Special Education.
Mathews is a graduate of Trinity Baptist College with a Bachelor's degree
in elementary education. She began teaching at Trinity
Christian Academy in 1991where she taught first grade for seven years.
In 1998, she moved to the fifth and sixth grade special education class
where she is currently teaching.
Denise Velsor currently holds a Master's degree in Deaf Education and is
working on her second Master's degree in Special Education (SLD).
She is currently working as an Educational Diagnostician at the Florida
School for the Deaf and the Blind. She has 23 years experience
in the field of Deaf Education.
Susan Ward Davis obtained her Bachelor's degree in elementary and art education
in 1974 from a British University. Having lived in America for five
years, she has almost completed her Master's Degree in Special Education,
Mental Handicap. She is now in her second year of teaching at Mt.
Herman Exceptional Student Center in Jacksonville, where she teaches students
with profound mental handicap.
Lauren Werch is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and currently
resides in Jacksonville, Florida. She is in her third year teaching
students with learning disabilities at Chets Creek Elementary in a third
grade inclusion classroom.
Please use the links below to go directly to a page you want to see
or click the bookworm to go to the next page.
Definition of the Problem
Rationale for Systems Change
Proposed Systems Change
Future Directions
References and Additional Links
State Board of Education Rule 6A-1.0943, FAC
Possible Testing Accommodations
Determining Accommodations
Testing Accommodations Training Budget
Benefits of TAT
Legislation from the Individuals with Disabilities
Act (IDEA), 1997
Federal and State Laws Requiring Schools to
Provide Accommodations