Future Directions

        Our present plans for the Testing Accommodations Training (TAT) involve providing 15 workshop-training sessions in Florida. Our plans for the future involve expanding this service as much as possible. The more people we will be able to reach and provide with this training, the more students, schools and communities will benefit from the increased knowledge and understanding of testing accommodations. We want as many teachers as possible to eventually receive this training, not just in Florida but also throughout the whole United States. Obviously the existing four trainers that we have at present will not be sufficient to achieve this aim, and our first goal will be to implement training the trainer sessions. We would like several teams of trainers to be available in Florida, so that we can cover this state more thoroughly and empower more teachers with the information they need to serve their students with disabilities. Prior to bringing our workshops to teachers outside of the state of Florida, research will need to be undertaken into every individual state’s legislation requirements. We hope to involve interested and concerned educators from every state in order to set up a core of trainers available locally who will be able to help us implement our long-term plan.

        We would also like to be involved as TAT trainers in state education conferences or even national education conferences such as those organized by the National Education Association (NEA) or the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). This would be an excellent way for educators in other states to see the in-service training we have put together, so that with our assistance, they may be encouraged to do the same sort of thing in their own states.

        None of this will be possible without increased funding, and this therefore will be our primary aim for the immediate future, and the success of our project will depend on successful grant applications. We hope and expect that our successes within the scope of our present limitations will positively influence our future fund raising efforts.

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Definition of the Problem
Rationale for Systems Change
Proposed Systems Change
References and Additional Links
State Board of Education Rule 6A-1.0943, FAC
Possible Testing Accommodations
Determining Accommodations
Testing Accommodations Training Budget
Benefits of TAT
Legislation from the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), 1997
Federal and State Laws Requiring Schools to Provide Accommodations

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