6A-1.0943 Modification of the State Student Assessment Test Instruments and Procedures for Exceptional Students and Other Eligible Handicapped Students.
(1) The Division of Public Schools shall develop the modified test instruments
required herein and provide technical assistance to school districts in
the implementation of the modified test instruments and procedures.
(2) Each school board shall implement appropriate modifications of the
test instruments and test procedures established for issuance of a standard
or special high school diploma pursuant to Rules 6A-1.0942, 6A-1.095, and
6A-1.0995, FAC., within the limits prescribed herein. Such modifications
shall include:
(a) Flexible scheduling. The student may be administered a test during several brief sessions, so long as all testing is completed by the final allowed test date specified by the Commissioner.
(b) Flexible setting. The student may be administered a test individually or in a small group setting by a proctor rather than in a classroom or auditorium setting.
(c) Recording of answers. The student may mark answers in a test booklet, type the answers by machine, or indicate the selected answers to a test proctor. The proctor may then transcribe the student's responses onto a machine-scorable answer sheet.
(d) Mechanical aids. The student may use a magnifying device, a pointer, a non-calibrated rule or template or other similar devices to assist in maintaining visual attention to the test booklet. An abacus and a Braille writer may be used. Use of electronic calculators, including talking calculators, is prohibited.
(e) Revised format. The student may be tested by one or more of the following three methods specifically developed by the Department:
1. Visual reading. The student may be tested with regular print materials, which are enlarged print or may be tested with regular print materials enlarged through mechanical or electronic means. Enlarged materials shall be provided only for students who meet the eligibility criteria for visually impaired programs specified in Rule 6A-6.03014, FAC.
2. Tactile reading. The student may be tested with materials, which have been transformed to Braille code or tested by using devices, which permit optical to tactile transformations. Test items which have no application for the non-sighted person will be deleted from the tactile forms authorized or provided by the Department and shall be deleted from the requirements of Rules 6A-1.0941 and 6A-1.0942, FAC.3.
3. Auditory or sign language presentation. The test administrator may sign, provide oral interpretation or read to the student the following portions of the test: all mathematics items, all writing items, all oral reading items, and all directions. The reading items shall be read by the student using visual or tactile means.
(3) The preceding modifications are authorized, when determined appropriate
by the school district superintendent or designee, for any student who
has been determined to be an eligible exceptional student pursuant to Rules
6A-6.0301 and 6A-6.0331, FAC., and has a current individual educational
plan, or who has been determined to be a handicapped person pursuant to
Rule 6A-19.001(6), FAC. Students classified solely as gifted shall not
receive any special test modifications. Satisfaction of the requirements
of Rule 6A-1.0942, FAC., by any of the above modifications shall have no
bearing upon the type of diploma or certificate issued to the student for
completing school.
(4) In no case shall the modifications authorized herein be interpreted
or construed as an authorization to provide a student with assistance in
determining the answer to any test item.
(5) Upon receipt of a written request from the district school superintendent,
the Commissioner may exempt an exceptional student, or one who has been
determined to be a handicapped person pursuant to Rule 6A-19.001 (6), FAC.,
from meeting specific requirements for graduation, due to extraordinary
circumstances which would cause the results of the testing to not represent
the student's achievement, but rather, reflect the student's impaired sensory,
manual, speaking, or psychological process skills. The written request
must document the specific extraordinary circumstances, which prevent the
student from meeting the requirements of Rules 6A-1.0942 and 6A-1.095 (4),
Specific Authority 120.53(l)(b), 228.2001, 229.053(1), 232.246(9) FS. Law Implemented 120.53(l)(b), 228.2001, 232.246(9) FS. History - New 9-12-78, Amended 3-4-84, Formerly 6A-1.943, Amended 6-12-90.
Beech, Marty. (1999). Accommodations: Assisting students with disabilities: A guide for educators. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Education.
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Definition of the Problem
Rationale for Systems Change
Proposed Systems Change
Future Directions
References and Additional Links
Possible Testing Accommodations
Determining Accommodations
Testing Accommodations Training Budget
Benefits of TAT
Legislation from the Individuals with Disabilities
Act (IDEA), 1997
Federal and State Laws Requiring Schools to
Provide Accommodations